Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Monday, August 15, 2005

The way of a man with a woman

The first of my weblog entries is atypical for sure. I'm guessing that no one will care what i wrote in my first blog entry, so long as the rest of it is engaging and informative. This whole setup is strange, too, because i'm about to throw my thoughts out freely into great forest of curious eyes. Vulnerable.
So there's this girl with whom a friend of mine and i are very close friends. For sake of secrecy, i'll call her Jode [say 'Jody'] (PlaneGuy, you can figure how i made this up). She left today, pretty much for good. I will see her again, and PlaneGuy may as well, but from now on the 'seeing' her just won't be the same. 'Guy and i walked up to the hill where the summer's social drama began, so i was touched by that brief reflection. He distracted me, thankfully, with other things to talk about, but the topic was destined to return to our conversation. It's nice being friends with him because i have similar feelings he does about Jode, and we get to trade the words that come to mind about her. This is where my blog title finally fits in. How is it that a single person can make brighter the world, the soul and a situation? I've written several poems about Jode, and all of them say that this girl splashes on the world and the soul and a situation radiance, beauty and calm. I'm living in Alaska in one of the top scenic valleys in the state, and you ought to see how lovely it is. But you would be better off seeing how lovely it is through my eyes when Jode is close by. How does a girl have such an effect on a guy? Solomon said four things that were four things that were too wonderful for him to understand and were not known by him; 'the way of a man with a maid' was one of these.
Yeah, it's too wonderful for my understanding too. But it is indeed wonderful.
Thanks, Jode, for a terrific summer.



Blogger Elmo said...

Just a plane guy here.
Also known as Elmo, but that's another story.
It's great to be your friend, too.

I will end on that note.
Except to say that I sure am glad you finally got your blog up. Now we can communicate after I go back to that hot southern state.

Talk later!
Anonymous elmo.
Incidentally, did you notice that our chef's (at Benihana) name was "Anon"? I wondered if that was some sort of joke; lots of fables that we read in high school were by anonymous authors, and credited to 'anon'. Oh well.

God bless,

2:32 PM  

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