Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh really?

So i learned tonight from one aforementioned individual that she checks my blog every night. Now i don't know whether that ought to spur me to greater caution or to greater courage. Methinks courage because it has a tendency to bring out one's better and truer self. So cower I will not.
Only herein do i feel in the unpleasant disposition to say hello and goodbye to you at the same time; perchance you discover that our paths unalterably divide. At least for Saturday i hope they'll stay together.
Randy (elmos-blog.blogspot) is on the same page as I this week. My best choice is to quote him: "
See folks, the Holy Spirit isn't one that makes you feel shame and guilt and worthlessness and unsaved-ness... that's the voice of the devil. The one that tells me I'm not good enough, that I'm insufficient, that I don't have what it takes. The Holy Spirit will certainly point out sins, if you let him, but not the way the devil does." During this week's little shift in environment and little change of plans, I've endured many spiritual assaults that can drive a guy over the edge. Notions of insufficiency, ugliness, abandonment and dislocation ravaged my mind, and I wanted to say "NO" to it all, but the ideas were just so convincing. The "there is no temptation common to man" was true for me, for as i struggled to push the notions out, God used the literature i read to touch me to my heart to give me hope, assurance and faith sufficient for the moment. I know of one battleground whereupon satan attacks: boredom and an inactive mind. When I feel i am doing nothing in furtherance of God's plan in my life, satan barges in and discourages my walk. You've got it all wrong. You shoulda thought of that years ago; now look at what you've done! Nobody will like you anymore. You'll never keep her happy, if she falls for you at all. You are incorrigible and your situation is futile. They'd be better off without you.
No. The One who strengthens me is Christ, and as long as I am with that strength, I can do all things. But not aimless things; things that will honor and glorify Him. I gotta beleive that. Everything that happens is working together for my good to engage me to fulfill His purpose.
I can say with enthusiasm that I love my work, my family, the city I live in, my friends and my involvements. I'm alive, and if a few close calls would have been closer, life wouldn't be happening for me right now. How often do i remind myself of the beautiful gift of life? Ellen DeGeneres (Ellen DeGeneres!?) wrote in a credit card advertisement, "Every day is perfect, even the imperfect ones." What a noble attitude, one that consequently precedes a really perfect days.
When you really want to live, then you really get to live. I think it works that simply. Case in point: Last weekend.
Randy, i'm on another page with you: Pride. I don't want to be blessed enough to be such a 'big' person that I am prideful of it. Nor do i want to be so low and mowed over by life that i have the pride of self-pity. My hope and prayer is to live humbly, always humbly. What i have, i want to beleive i have it by His grace, and what i don't have i want to believe i don't have it because of His mercy.


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