Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Saturday, March 11, 2006

First students

i now feel what it's like to work all day and not be up to doing anything else productive after. I have taken on at least six students now, but the real busyness won't pick up until after spring break. I fly alot next week, but it's going to be the not-normal hours. So far i've flown with four students once apiece; three were in the Skyhawks and one was in the multiengine Duchess.
I had a profound reflection just as i finished the after-flight briefing this afternoon. Teaching is easy. Instilling, on the other hand, is a different ballgame!! A student's receptiveness and my clarity need to merge at the same time or else this endeavor of learning is rendered ineffective. My student today, i felt, was of the unreceptive type-not by will, perhaps, but by the readiness and attitude he brought to the lesson. Oh i was teaching well. I felt good information flowing from my lips, but my words seemed to go only as far as that. I had so much to share, yet it wasn't of enough value, i suppose, to be written down.

I recall yesterday to be encouraged. This student is working towards his multiengine rating in the multiengine Duchess, and he was given to me by another instructor. He's going to be a joy to fly with (while he's yet with me!) because not only does he have natural ability, he's also very calm and attentive to my critiques. He is so good at, well, almost everything i ask him to do.

All students need good instruction. All students need lessons instilled in them. The former I can do; the latter only WE can do.


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