Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Thursday, November 17, 2005

What happened last night?

I don't know exactly. But i know where i was, and I remember how I felt.
I am about to do you, cherished readers, a disservice. I choose to be vague, dare i say allegorical, in this post. But it's for the best, I promise you.
I was in a hotel lobby in Cameron, Missouri. And I felt as if I had just awakened from a dream. Or maybe the feeling was one that had been awakened after a very long slumber. I felt interesting. Desirable. My heart responded with rushing waves of hope.
I felt i were looking back on a broken road. And i put on last night's new glasses and saw a straight road in its place.
The pipeline traces a serpentine course beyond my understanding. But I follow it to its end. Each turn had a purpose: to guide to the next turn. Last night, I felt the my path's turns were behind me. I felt I had followed it to the end for which God guided me. It was a sweet hope.
I felt hope. I feel hope. I pray for its fulfillment. Thank you for this incredible facet of being alive. I pray for Your will, O Lord.
So Wednesday and today, i went up with Tim to patrol the west pipelines for the second time. As a reminder, the west trip takes us through Kansas City MO, Wichita KS, Lincoln NE, and Des Moines IA. We took off and flew through a blizzard (!!) for 20 minutes and picked up some actual IFR time in the whiteout. We spent the night in Cameron, Missouri and watched Marvels of Engineering on the Discovery channel for 2 hours. (one detail omitted here). By 7 AM, we were in the air again over the snow-capped earth and I struggled to keep an eye on the pipeline because the markers are WHITE and were camoflauged in the snow. I had three very good landings today; as you read, landing this plane is like landing an oversize pancake.
pics: me and the Diamond Star yesterday.
right: me in the SuperCub in Alaska


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