Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fiftieth post

Yep, the fiftieth installation of my petty thoughts are before your eyes. In two and a half months, i'm on my way to prolific Blogger fame. I did write over 100 pages in my journal while in Alaska-the journal of which this blog was only a shadow back then-and i count myself accomplished there. My present thermometer for accomplishment, and this by egotistic motives only, in the blogosphere is if I see a slew of commentators as large as Jacki or Carrie. Realistically, i know that won't happen. SO, the more reasonable goal is to weave my thoughts into digital wings to linger in flight for longer than i can hold them within my mind.
I've just escaped from one of the enemy's assault of temptation, and though i fell prey to the desires, i have ultimately come out as a winner because of what i learned. There's a particular marginal deed (is/isn't sin) in our human experience which i will not name, because it is the object of said temptation. Through the fierce battle, i've learned something of this sin that may be applicable to all sins. I visualize sin as a door that I close between myself and God. That shame i feel after something i've done is keeping me from approaching God. It's a door i've shut behind me as i in disobedience ran from His joy to the woes of fleshly satisfaction.
Preoccupation. Preoccupation is the sole matter for those losing out to temptation. One's heart loses its fixation on God, and the tempter charges up this static state and drives it to compromise, justify, and experiment. In this process one is drifting away from God and the moment the sin is done, the soul will feel a light-year away from the Father and will be filled with remorse. Therefore, it would be reasonable for a Christian to ask himself, "will this act distance me from God?" If so, committing oneself to the act should require a second thought, a second prayer. The knob is in the hand, and the hinges are squeaking...


Blogger Elmo said...

Hooray, fifty posts!
It's not the quantity of comments, I don't think... or even the quality. Yes, reread that... that quality of the comment doesn't matter.
What matters is the identity of the commenter.
Because, by that, you know that the person cares for you. They may not have profound words of spiritual guidance that day.
Or, they may be someone who has words that stir the heart, but the person doesn't know you, or care about you... that happens too...
I told you I knew what it was. Or maybe this isn't the same one we talked about. But either way, I suspect we both deal with it. Few sins are unique to any one individual, and even fewer temptations.

It IS a door that you shut between yourself and God. That's a great way of describing it.
I am reminded of the skit that was performed at Chickaloon church by that youth group. The one where the girl kept telling Jesus to stay inside while she went out. Eventually, she nailed him to the wall, and I nearly choked on my tongue.

Well, I am opening the church gym at 5:45am tomorrow for Dan Swenson. And we have a turbines test at 8:00. That'll be a pinch. And also a thermo test on Wednesday... please pray.
And on that note, I will say goodnight.
But I'll remind you that you're not alone... in any temptation, you are never alone.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Elmo said...

By the way, the word of the day is:
Ouddywu: a east African bird, typically posessing long feathers, and resembling an ostrich. Reproduces in the fall. Gives birth to live young. Has migrated in recent decades to the majority of the North American continent. Flies with two sets of lift producing devices, resembling a Beech Starship. Has 45 AD notes in circulation at the time of this writing. Has a propensity for entering jet engines- see AD 75-10-02 rev3. For this reason, the FAA has issued a 'shoot to kill' order, a first for the Administrator. Ouddywus are the subject of many NOTAMs.

8:25 PM  

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