Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A thought about Charisma.

Every now and then i have an especially good thought about Charisma that i want to keep locked up somewhere before the 'little love-distracting foxes' come and invade.
This thought came while reading a book:
"I should take each day as a chance to win Charisma's heart again."
This is what women want... Women want to be wanted, cherished and understood. They also want to wrap up their beloved in their love to warm, nurture and care for him.
Sometimes cherishing a woman and trying to understand her is a forced exercise, but God tells us to do it (probably because that is not in a guy's nature; we are not told to sin and that's what we do best). For the man who is willing and disciplined are earned many rewards. Seeing Charisma happy delights my heart, and I feel her happiness and interesting-ness. I need to selflessly give of myself to her - which is what she wants, and what God tells me to do - and through that giving comes a happy long-term relationship (i suppose so; i'm not there yet!).
I have only one life to live, and this life i now live I do live by the grace of God because that life could have ended several times over by now! What a noble honor to live so someone else can have a better journey through life...


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