Buncha graces

Another item that got done today is organizing the 152's paperwork into a 1" notebook. I was spurred into getting this done immediately because I neglected to bring the paperwork to Fairbanks.
I did no flying today, but i did mention to Dwayne that we need to get up in the SuperCub. I want to log hours in another airplane and go land on a mountain and river sandbars for the first ti

Five men from Glacierview church, among whom was Pastor Marlin, Pastor Mike, Bobby and Bob, came today to assist us with installing drywall in the hangar. We accomplished alot in the time we spent. After they left, Dwayne and i rearranged the hangar to make room for airplanes and swept the floor. We figure that our five airplanes and some wings and fuselages can fit. I nailed the tarpaper onto the furnace room's roof.
The insurance company called, and in the nick of time. They want us to dismantle for them a couple crashed airplanes that Dave has lifted in. We will get pay for our work at $60 an hour. In five hours' work tomorrow, I ought to have my present financial needs provided for. 2 Corinthians 9:8.
I had a scare this morning. I checked my bank balance over the phone, and the automated teller said i was overdrawn by $205. I called Marilyn over at my bank and asked her what happened that would drain my account, and she explained that the fuel pump i used yesterday pre-authorizes a $200 withdrawal from the bank account, and it takes a little time for that preauthorization to clear out. That was a great relief. It was almost the second time I spent more money than what I have.
The top picture is of Scribby's skis all assembled, masked off, cleaned and ready for prime and paint. The tarp behind them is a corner on my homemade paint booth. The far sawhorse is one Angela and Daisy made in June. They penciled in their names nicely; Daisy drew daisy flowers on the nailheads and wrote "Phil 4:13."
The next pic was taken this morning with the finished skis, Dwayne and me.
The next one was an outstanding capture of a valley branching off the Chickaloon river valley. We're on our way to Fairbanks here.
What was supposed to be the last picture is over McKinley Park airstrip. There Angela took the initiative to salvage our relationship that had started to go bad through the previous two hours. This is a significant place, as it was home to a significant moment.
the pic won't show up.
Well, I read all of your new blog entries. Happily, because it had been some time since you'd posted, and I was growing anxious to hear about the goings on up at the ranch.
I don't think I could reply to your entries- there's too much to talk about!
I left you a voice mail a few minutes ago, but after hanging up, I decided that I didn't approve of the message. (horrible sentence structure)
Point is, I left you a message that only talked about how I am doing, rather than conveying one iota of interest in you. So, fear not, I would actually like to talk to you sometime soon!
I may call you from church tonight; First Baptist's rec center is now holding about 100 evacuees, and they have decided that I should work the 12-3am shift. Yeah. It's one of those things- if they had ASKED, I would have said yes. But since they TOLD me to, I am kinda... put off. BUT, I praised God for the opportunity to serve, in spite of my bad attitude.
It's really coming down here. This is so typical LeTourneau: a hurricane hit campus, and a football game broke out.
Seriously- a bunch of students were playing football in the wind and rain for the last two hours. But they've gone away now.
SAGA opens in 30 mins for supper. Lunch went okay, the power went out a few times in a space of about fifteen minutes, but came back on within 2 minutes tops.
Houston was spared, and my best friend's house is going to be fine- Praise Thee, Lord!
I am so impressed by the skis. "Masculine?" More like... "Terminator Twelve- revenge of the cadmium."
You may quote me on that, yes.
Oh, in other news, I tore a phone book this week. It was in the middle of MSC- we were being loud and rambunctious, and laughing our tails off. Which, undoubtedly, made me look like a fool to Brianna Epp and Ben Swick. But I am not overly concerned how I appear. And besides, it's not like HE can rip a phone book.
Seriously- I ripped a phone book from the spine to the edge of the pages. I am so excited about it.
I am listening to Chicago right now, an old group from the 70s or 80s that my parents used to listen to. Anyhow, they have a lot of piano in their songs, and it reminds me of you.
Speaking of you, you're on my phone!!!!
Talk later... or now, actually.
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