Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Monday, September 19, 2005

Some randomness

I asked Dwayne about why Alaska time is just so great. He told me of the obvious: pilots and pilot-employers long to fly in Alaska; and employers in Alaska like you to have Alaska flying experience. I asked him in a roundabout way for a scientific explanation for the value of Alaska time. Some pragmatic, objective reasons. Like, what if i meet an experienced pilot who's never been to Alaska and cannot appreciate twopence what flying here is like. What answers do I give him to persuade him that flight experience in Alaska, though expressed merely in time, is superior to that of the lower 48? I hope to not meet him before I am prepared with my list of "why here is the best flying experience." For now, i'm conceded to believe that pilots in general bear an innate nostalgia of flying in Alaska, so whether they have themselves flown here or not, they recognize that flying here is special. But i'll still be working on my list.
I did turn on word verification for my comments, finally. Elmo, i think that the bots hit blog entries of a certain length because I normally get the automated comments for my long ones.
Michael, i am amazed at your news about Misty. I'm so proud of you for your possibly being on the threshold of the life you've been waiting for, with the girl you've been waiting for. I know that you're ready for it. Just stick to being your honest and calm self, and tell her your heart when you feel you need to. You sound--uplifted in the letter you wrote. Whether the credit goes to your disciplined writing or to the girl, i don't know. If she's the right one for you, you'll find more and more of God being revealed to you through her. But be careful, lest you esteem the seeing-glass greater than the Light that shines through it.


Blogger Elmo said...

Make a new post!!!
I have read this one several times!
Give me something new!

Your audience is very demanding, huh?

Thanks for the comment on my blog today.
There was a whole lot more involved than what met the eye, as far as 'my response' goes. That is to say that I felt admonished by your comments, and it was probably misdirected. Not entirely, though, now that I reconsider what I said.
I guess what I am trying to communicate is that I need no reassurance of her happiness. I reach occasional solitude, only to have it interrupted by the very object I am trying to avoid.

I am on the phone right now, so I will talk more later.

9:24 PM  

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