Know him
I'm unfolding my blanket over my bed at the ranch now, and I am reminded that the last time I did so, it was on Anthony's spare air mattress in his house. I am struck now with an allegory that, as I unfolded my bedding last night, so had a life - Anthony - unfolded before me that day. When he came to Jon King's garage in Gakona yesterday to help build, the sentiment I felt was that of having a good friend return. Anthony stayed for dinner at Jon's then took Shane and me to Daisy's house because Shane needed to talk to "Sissie." I jumped on the chance to clean Daisy's sinkful of dirty dishes, and as I was there, Anthony set some just-bought baking pans next to the sink and said "since you're in the mood..." My leap reaction was that eh mocked my easy servitude to clean, but on second thought, that's what I would have chosen to say myself if I saw that the pans needed cleaning. Then he offered a few minutes later to finish the dishes so I could watch the movie that was playing. We drove to his house where I was to stay. As I said, it was impressive work. He gave me a pillow, his air mattress, a towel and washcloth and rode me around in his Kawasaki 4-wheeler to demonstrate how to use it. He showed me pictures of his and Daisy's Valdez trip and of last winter's snowmachine outing. I got to keep one of those as a memoir.
We talked about Shane a decent amount, and I feel his opinions and advice to Daisy are good. I wrote last night's entry before going to bed. This may have been my last encounter with Anthony, and if it was, I will count me satisfied. I was blessed through knowing him better, and to this day I would only add to what I wrote last night about him and Daisy.

Home. Glennallen. I've spent not even 30 hours there, but I associate Glennallen with "home." It reminds me of how I hope to live soon - near people I love and in a beautiful and pleasant and wild environment that packs potential for fun and adventure, and in a home that is cozy, orderly and inviting to guests and to my Lord.
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