Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Friday, September 02, 2005


I almost deleted half of last night's entry, but instead of that - for this is my journal, and i don't tear pages out of my journals - i will write about the dis-ease i've experienced as i reflected on it today. It just seemed childish, my attitude of complaining and clawing for attention that got expressed last night. Was it really constructive to anybody? Even me? I say that it was not. Things come our way that are downright concerning, but in no event is it cause for real complaining if seen from the right perspective. One must first realize that he is complaining - "do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless" - then the reason to not complain will come next. Allez en avant, et la foi vous viendra: ''Go, and proceed, and faith will catch up with you."
While i was getting some belongings of Daisy's all together today, I was cued in to my pithy concerns of the present state of our friendship. I not should take the whole present situation personally, for my worth does not hinge on the quality of our relationship. But what i should take personally is the past generosities and be moreover happy with that. I was challenged in my reading from 1 Corinthians 13 this morning. Paul talks about his once speaking, understanding and thinking like a child. Clawing for attention from people is childish. Complaining is childish. The time is right to live charitably and not childishly. Construct. Edify. Endure. Aspire for the best to come to others.
Today is one of the most gorgeous days yet in Alaska to my memory. The clouds dropped snow on all the mountains reaching higher than 4,500'- that includes just about all of them that one can sight from the ranch. In Alaska (i don't know about other mountainous areas), this is called 'dusting', and it awestrikingly enhances the beauty of the mountains. I got to go flying with Daniil around the valley this morning, and it was wonderful! I saw trees beneath me that are turning on their autumn colors, the air was crisp and cool, and the sky was and is still clear.
After an entire week of gloom, we get this weather. I know it's just coincidence, but one still has to wonder why whenever Daisy comes, the weather smiles on us. She always did brighten more than just my spirit.


Blogger Elmo said...

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9:09 PM  
Blogger Elmo said...

Sorry, had to add some words, hence the earlier deletion.

Um, right. That happened to me once... some person that doesn't exist replied to my blog. But, it only happened once, and it was right after I started my blog up. So hopefully it doesn't happen to you again.

Before I write this, please note that I am about to reply to your last entry. I am going to reply to it there, though, rather than here for the sake of clarity and simplicity.

I said on the phone what I thought then, and it hasn't changed much. Perhaps this is the weakening of our modern faith: I perceive what you've done as 'venting' rather than 'complaining'. Are we not to vent, either? Is 'venting' simply a 2000s term for complaining? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Please, voice your opinion. It's worth discussion.

French, eh? Parlez vous Francais? Parlo L'italiano. See? The two languages are so similar! Yet, way different.

I am glad Alaska is so pretty now. During my last week there, God took my mountains away from me. He veiled them in mists and fogs, slowly withdrawing them from my consciousness.

Indeed- Daisy lit up the universe as we knew it. Or, was it merely a reflection of an already bright universe, shining on her face?

9:12 PM  

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