So bizarre

I'm very glad to be back on the ranch at this moment. Come to think of it, i'm extra-thankful for my cabin, the runway on my front lawn, my clean shower, the lights over my head, my dad who likes a nice everything. Tonight, I went to a very bizarre place. Jared got lured to stay here in Alaska longer to help a guy named Allan put a roof and dormiers on his house. This evening, Jared, Shane and I went to Al's house to scope out the job site. Pulling up to this residence via a muddy, uneven drive softened more by the pattering rain, all of us received the unshakeable first impression that this place was...a shack castle. Here was a place put together ad. lib, impromptu, rubato...random. Outside was OSB big and small covering all around with no particular plan in mind; inside was "this was not built using code" walls, stairs and ceilings just kinda put there. No drywall, unfinished insulation, no real kitchen; no electric lighting, heating or appliances; unedged windows, a makeshift top ceiling with wooden shims between it and the wall framing. It's somehow survived two winters without leaks on its flat roof. Jared's job is to get a real roof on it. I'm not one to judge people, but i...gotta say this nicely...respect a guy and his family who can live like that in Alaska.
Shane's talking about the same thing right now, but in Shane-words. My blogs are filtered, people; i can't forward his comments on this page.
I wrote the following pondering to Jode this afternoon.:
Perhaps unsaved people are repeled by the gospel because of the lives that convey its message. if people who try to minister to the unsaved fail to portray themselves as a person not unlike people he's ministering to, then those unsaved are definitely going to feel aloof from this gospel being available to them. While doing the dishes this morning, i did alot of thinking just as i normally do whenever i clean dishes. And my heart surprised me several times, as it perverted otherwise good and productive thoughts literally on a dime. I am not much unlike Shane or other unsaved people; i still possess that heart which is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things. But the difference is the faith i had in Christ by which i received the gift of the Holy Spirit, the quiet convicter and the seal of eternal belonging with God in His dwelling place. Shane can have that same faith and the resulting gifts if he so chose. In no respect do i count myself better morally or more excellent in heart than he. I didn't get into drugs and swearing, but i did get into other stuff that would shock him if he knew. My heart is of the same morally genetic material as his; i just have a check on mine now. And i have a lifting hope for my spirit that is greater than my heart's downward pull.
End of pondering.
The first picture i'm putting on my site is one i am proud of. Actually this is from Angela's camera, and she sent me a link to it today (me on the left; our examiner Michael Buckland on right). Angela was my first student endorsed for a pilot's license. She's also a super friend who's taken me through many lessons about relationships. I appreciate her alot!
I'm feeling better today, by the way. i slept on our new, cushy loveseat overnight, since i'm the only one living in here and can sleep anywhere i want! yes! Out of bed, the donut is keepin me comfortable.
"Jared, it seems we have a little princess with us, with Jonathan sitting up all high on his seat." -Shane, as i'm riding with him and Jared in Shane's truck while sitting on the donut.
God bless you one/each/all
Thanks for the comment.
I had not anticipated translating those, but I can if you'd like.
As far as failure goes... ugh. We'll talk about that later. MUCH later. About five minutes before never, maybe.
Rubato... define.
I like your comment to Jode. It's 2am, so I will need to digest it more thoroughly before contemplating a reply, if one is even welcomed by whatever attitude I develop.
Those two thoughts should have been separated into two sentences... or more.
You got into stuff that would shock Shane if he knew, eh? Interesting. I think I know what it is.
How presumptuous, I apologize.
I suspect you and I have more in common than I first realized.
New and cushy loveseat? WHAT??? Man!
I am glad you feel better. I have prayed that you would.
OH, on that topic, please pray for Patricia. You remember, Patricia at the front desk in SAGA? She asked me to pray for her, because she was already making students mad today, and it hurt her feelings that they didn't like her. She was sending them back to get their ID cards, and I guess they must have responded poorly or something, she was pretty upset about it. So I gave her a hug (her third from me today- that's way over the quota) and told her that I appreciate her every single day. She said that made her feel better. But I know that there's really not much I can do- if those students are rude or something. I can't make the problem go away.
Wow, that was verbose. But every word was a necessary part of my thought process.
So he called you a princess, huh? Well, did you feel like one? (The proper answer is "No, I felt like a King.")
Don't let him get to you. I know it's hard. But you're a psychological fortress of labyrinthine complexity.
You may quote that for a dollar.
Anyhow, deep in there, I know you have the fortitude to treat this taunting for what it is.
On that note, I must sleep.
God bless you, Giovanni.
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