I'm behind
...on my blog entries for sure. Between Saturday and today, alot has crossed my mind to do adequate treatment on during my limited amount of time. So i'm going to pick and choose at random what to write about, beginning with the young man on my left.
Shane Delay has wanted me to get revenge on him in word and beating for many days, and my resistance to return the aggression only festers his passion to arouse it out of me. I'm trying to figure why he craves to get pelted back. My thought is that he craves my validation of his toughness, and the mode he understands is getting hit back. I have only that theory to stand on. I don't possess a drive to donate a smackdown to his morale, but if i do get a surge and it wouldn't hurt my witness, i might try it. As long as i let him hit a dumb brick wall that is myself, he seems to be getting more frustrated. "Please Shane, don't hit me" won't work for sure. Me, the guy he now calls "Princess", is on the way to seem girly in Shane's perspective.
My mom gets to go to Israel with a friend for $400 in November. Isn't that great!
Jared went to Allan's house again today to measure out Project Impossible. I'll have to ask him more about the dormiers Alan wants to do but Jared is fiercly against.
So at 8 this morning, Dwayne came in my cabin and while I am just coming into consciousness started talking to me about today's plans. Revised plans. He now wants for me, Carolyn, Kostya, Daniil and himself in the 206 at 9 AM and go to together to Mendeltna. Here's fulfillment of a disclaimer i was given my first day here - "you might be waked up early and told you ned to fly an airplane somewhere in an hour." So I got ready and by 9:05 we were off. I go to fly the climb, cruise and descent portions and almost would have sacrificed that flighttime so to take pictures of the clear view of the surrounding Wrangell mountains, Alaska Range and Chugach mountians, highlighted by snow-frosted tops. Mendeltna is in the Tahneta pass, between Eureka and Glennallen, on the base of a small hill. The strip we landed on - Dwayne did thatjob - was 1200' long and started at the Glenn Highway. The road had 30' powerlines and trees at its opposite side and excavation equipment on teh runway side. "We have one shot at this," Dwayne said as we turned (so we can say of all approaches into Alaska bush strips ) our unconventional pattern's base to final. I used Jared's camera to videotape the approach, and you can see the backyard of a landing strip before us, then you see the sky as I panic for my life for the sake of the trees and powerlines passing seemingly feet below us and forgot about my videoing job. We got down safely, obviously, and met Joe and Peg Virgin, an older couple who are the owners of the landing strip, experienced grandparents and sweet and strong Christians. Peg is a very considerate and generous woman; she watched us land and told us she was praying "Lord, get them down, please get them down" and had made muffins and coffee for us.
We had church in the Farmers' back lawn, which is on a beautiful lake in the Copper River valley. Far to the east, over the pine trees, rises the Wrangell mountains. Dwayne gave a super message on faith and told a story new to me. I recorded the best part on Jared's video camera. Then Kostya gave his testimony, and after church was a potluck. I don't get to go to Fairbanks today, as was last night's plan, but I might be sent there later this week.
Then I got to live a long-dwelt dream of mine. The backyard strip was surrounded by tall power lines and mature pinetrees, and safety of takeoff from it was definitely in question. So we got to take off from the road! Joe Virgin and another friend went drove down to opposite ends of the Glenn Highway to stop traffic, then we taxiied out and used the Glenn as our runway. I've learned that using roads as runways is not federally illegal. In fact, Michael Buckland wrote an article on making landings off of an airport (e.g., road) and stated one reason for doing such is to stop for an enroute bathroom emergency. Too bad i have to sign a form for my rental aircraft back home that says i will not make off-airport landings! Letting down on a road (in flatland Illinois or Indiana somewhere) would be tons of fun.
"Princess" has upped his rank this night. I did ask Shane bluntly, "does your morale hinge on my hitting you back?" He answered 'no, not really, but it would be nice if you did.' So it sounded to me like i could win some respect for both myself and him if i were to be man over him somehow. Well, i didnt' plan what happened next, but we arm wrestled, and i beat him on both hands, then i was cleaning dishes and he started messing around trying some strangle moves, then he hit where my surgery was done, and the pain pushed away my restraint and in 30 seconds, I had Shane pinned down on the ground crying 'mercy!' He whined about his numb arm for the next five minutes, and i was feeling quite satisfied. Especially when he said "i respect you now Jonathan."
Angela said alot of meaningful things to me today, as usual. She wrote an email AND i got to talk to her for an hour today! I'm very privileged, I know. I hope she doesn't mind (I hope!) my posting an idea she wrote in her email, so here it is: She's really trying to guard her rest time because it is very important to overall wellness both physically, mentally, and even spiritually. There's a thought for serious consideration, especially for us pilots and students. Truthfully, I haven't had one week of guarding my rest time for the last five years, so i have not seen the 'light' of this fact. I value her friendship more each week because she edifies me so much. You know that verse that says to speak only that which is edifying to the hearers? That's Angela. I wish i could co
py to here more portions of her latest email; it is so inspired.
I'm blessed to be the friend of so many poeple I respect and admire. Elmo, Angela, Jode, Jared, Brian, Dwayne, Stefanie and Tim---you're all among that group.
So that's a tangent on what's been on my mind.
The picture is our Alaska group at its prime before we dispersed the following days and weeks. Miss you guys!
Shane Delay has wanted me to get revenge on him in word and beating for many days, and my resistance to return the aggression only festers his passion to arouse it out of me. I'm trying to figure why he craves to get pelted back. My thought is that he craves my validation of his toughness, and the mode he understands is getting hit back. I have only that theory to stand on. I don't possess a drive to donate a smackdown to his morale, but if i do get a surge and it wouldn't hurt my witness, i might try it. As long as i let him hit a dumb brick wall that is myself, he seems to be getting more frustrated. "Please Shane, don't hit me" won't work for sure. Me, the guy he now calls "Princess", is on the way to seem girly in Shane's perspective.
My mom gets to go to Israel with a friend for $400 in November. Isn't that great!
Jared went to Allan's house again today to measure out Project Impossible. I'll have to ask him more about the dormiers Alan wants to do but Jared is fiercly against.
So at 8 this morning, Dwayne came in my cabin and while I am just coming into consciousness started talking to me about today's plans. Revised plans. He now wants for me, Carolyn, Kostya, Daniil and himself in the 206 at 9 AM and go to together to Mendeltna. Here's fulfillment of a disclaimer i was given my first day here - "you might be waked up early and told you ned to fly an airplane somewhere in an hour." So I got ready and by 9:05 we were off. I go to fly the climb, cruise and descent portions and almost would have sacrificed that flighttime so to take pictures of the clear view of the surrounding Wrangell mountains, Alaska Range and Chugach mountians, highlighted by snow-frosted tops. Mendeltna is in the Tahneta pass, between Eureka and Glennallen, on the base of a small hill. The strip we landed on - Dwayne did thatjob - was 1200' long and started at the Glenn Highway. The road had 30' powerlines and trees at its opposite side and excavation equipment on teh runway side. "We have one shot at this," Dwayne said as we turned (so we can say of all approaches into Alaska bush strips ) our unconventional pattern's base to final. I used Jared's camera to videotape the approach, and you can see the backyard of a landing strip before us, then you see the sky as I panic for my life for the sake of the trees and powerlines passing seemingly feet below us and forgot about my videoing job. We got down safely, obviously, and met Joe and Peg Virgin, an older couple who are the owners of the landing strip, experienced grandparents and sweet and strong Christians. Peg is a very considerate and generous woman; she watched us land and told us she was praying "Lord, get them down, please get them down" and had made muffins and coffee for us.
We had church in the Farmers' back lawn, which is on a beautiful lake in the Copper River valley. Far to the east, over the pine trees, rises the Wrangell mountains. Dwayne gave a super message on faith and told a story new to me. I recorded the best part on Jared's video camera. Then Kostya gave his testimony, and after church was a potluck. I don't get to go to Fairbanks today, as was last night's plan, but I might be sent there later this week.
Then I got to live a long-dwelt dream of mine. The backyard strip was surrounded by tall power lines and mature pinetrees, and safety of takeoff from it was definitely in question. So we got to take off from the road! Joe Virgin and another friend went drove down to opposite ends of the Glenn Highway to stop traffic, then we taxiied out and used the Glenn as our runway. I've learned that using roads as runways is not federally illegal. In fact, Michael Buckland wrote an article on making landings off of an airport (e.g., road) and stated one reason for doing such is to stop for an enroute bathroom emergency. Too bad i have to sign a form for my rental aircraft back home that says i will not make off-airport landings! Letting down on a road (in flatland Illinois or Indiana somewhere) would be tons of fun.
"Princess" has upped his rank this night. I did ask Shane bluntly, "does your morale hinge on my hitting you back?" He answered 'no, not really, but it would be nice if you did.' So it sounded to me like i could win some respect for both myself and him if i were to be man over him somehow. Well, i didnt' plan what happened next, but we arm wrestled, and i beat him on both hands, then i was cleaning dishes and he started messing around trying some strangle moves, then he hit where my surgery was done, and the pain pushed away my restraint and in 30 seconds, I had Shane pinned down on the ground crying 'mercy!' He whined about his numb arm for the next five minutes, and i was feeling quite satisfied. Especially when he said "i respect you now Jonathan."
Angela said alot of meaningful things to me today, as usual. She wrote an email AND i got to talk to her for an hour today! I'm very privileged, I know. I hope she doesn't mind (I hope!) my posting an idea she wrote in her email, so here it is: She's really trying to guard her rest time because it is very important to overall wellness both physically, mentally, and even spiritually. There's a thought for serious consideration, especially for us pilots and students. Truthfully, I haven't had one week of guarding my rest time for the last five years, so i have not seen the 'light' of this fact. I value her friendship more each week because she edifies me so much. You know that verse that says to speak only that which is edifying to the hearers? That's Angela. I wish i could co

I'm blessed to be the friend of so many poeple I respect and admire. Elmo, Angela, Jode, Jared, Brian, Dwayne, Stefanie and Tim---you're all among that group.
So that's a tangent on what's been on my mind.
The picture is our Alaska group at its prime before we dispersed the following days and weeks. Miss you guys!
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