Monday pictures and a comment

Just want to get this thought down in my own space. I wrote this to Elmo tonight:
wish my writing could bring on you a better effect than sadness. tell me this at least-do you miss the ranch or do you miss Daisy? yesterday in my flight back, one of my many thoughts included "good bye, Alaska." Part of my glamorous Alaska left with Daisy. Being here does not feel the same without the light of her countenance to shine over it. She made this place much of what it appeared to me.
-SuperCub 77KF with me on the south slope of King Mountain. The mountain is off on my left.
-A spectacular capture looking up the Coal river valley.
-Our resident Taylorcraft left some evidence of its crash site. Dwayne found this propeller tip just like so about 30 feet before the runway. It's resting on a hand-sized rock and has some blue paint smears on it. This was some violent impact and gives a good object lesson: Using just enough runway is great, Using all the runway is okay, using the runway and beyond is unfortunate, but using no runway at all is disasterous.
-Matching the evidence.
-The better picture of me with Scribby's skis.
please see comment left after pictures.
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