Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Friday, November 18, 2005

Friday notes

If i could fast-forward time to the year 2007, I know i would be missing out on alot. At the same instance, however, i would be skipping out on alot of hassles. By then, i will have memorized Beethoven's fifth (first movement if you care to be particular) on the piano, memorized the pipeline, acquired flight students and moved near Peru, and had my orthodontics semi-dealt with. Yep, i had another ortho appointment today, and it was in the morning so that means automatic sour mood for Jonathan. One of my significant fears is that i will pass these genes along to the next generation and hence bring a repeat of me into the world. On the other perspective, God does work everything together for the good for them who love God (thank you to you who reminded me of this verse this week). And no matter what we look like or what we can or cannot do, as long as it is God's will, all is very good.
Romans says that the One who subjected creation to vanity (corruption; entropy, scientifically known as 2nd law of thermodynamics) did it with a reason and is the same One who gave it hope. Remember the blind man in John 9. Jesus said that he was made blind for the works of God to be revealed. So, i know this sounds cliche but it is true, that the value of one's life is not in the quality of earthsuit he's wearing but in the glory of God revealed through him. And if we are willing to be a vessel, God will really take charge and show us the amazing things the Creator can do through mortal man.
Well, i didn't intend to dart off in that tangent...back to the original thoughts...
So after the ortho, I went to the tennis court and pitched baseballs at the practice wall for 45 minutes. I'm enjoying doing that a few times a week. All together, i practiced Beethoven and wedding songs for three hours today. I am becoming passionaly engrossed in the wedding songs i'm learning. I practiced this afternoon until my shoulders were too sore to move.
And yes, Christina, i plan to play at your wedding!
Since October, I've been reading an excellent book on dating. Today's chapters were about The Breakup and Courtship as an alternative to dating. In the few paragraphs the book spends on courtship, it really sheds a positive light on the concept. Courtship seems like the way for maturer people to go because the arrangement sets a couple on the mission of answering The Question: are we a match for the rest of our lives? It offers freedom and security, and guarding for the heart. If i get the chance in my lifetime to share romantic interests with a girl, i would incline us to the courtship ideal.
The vague part.
I find my emotions and logic self-defeating. Why beat away at my hope so to alleviate disappointment if the hope doesn't come to pass? Why not enjoy the prospect for now, as if it were a someone else's story that i were happy for, and just deal with the moment that dissolves the hope? Am i enough. am i contradicting myself. am i moving too fast. am i pressuring too much. am i loving enough. what im not doing is enjoying the story.

Peace, be still.


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