Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Almost $3,000 mistake

Of all the stupid things i've done...of all the STUPID things i've done...of all the STUPID, STUPID..
Deep breath.

God has saved me from myself so many times by some miracle of timing. I'm serious. Today was one of the loudest examples. So i turned into the wrong entrance at LeTourneau-the one that, as i discovered, does NOT go to the loop. So i took a little jog around the workers' parking lot and got to the exit, and just as i got there, a big dump truck was headed North on Mobberly and needed to get in. Big truck. I could stay here, rear up, or go. Got half-second to decide cuz i'm in a hurry: GO. As soon as i committed my foot to the throttle, my brain sent messages of what i just may have just done to myself.
Mobberly is a tw0-lane road.
Big truck obstructs view.
I don't know if a car is on the other side of the big truck.
Body: brace for impact.

Half thinking this and half thinking to zoom as fast as possible across the lanes, i cleared the truck and as i travelled across the far lane, i looked to my left.
If i had hesitated for just 0.75 second, i would have hit that car.

I ought to have. My stupidity bought me such a consequence.
I should be out there negotiating insurance right now.
If i had been set back 0.75 seconds.

It's a wonder that i just received my new insurance quote from AAA in my email.

I would have had to say good-bye to Alaska.

How how do I live?
Thank you, THANK YOU, God.


Blogger Elmo said...

Our God is an awesome God... sometimes, He even keeps us out of trouble, though we try our hardest to dive in!!!

Glad nothing bad happened, and glad you've had a good lesson!


1:54 PM  

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