Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Michael Field took this picture on Thursday

Cessna 69187, me and my 'pilot essentials': headsets, carrying case and booster seat :-)


Blogger Elmo said...

I like those hardest questions. I also enjoyed reading the "confidence" entry, although I'm not sure about some things.
I am trying to link up confidence, pride, and comfort.
I am not of the mindset that ALL types of pride are necessarily bad.
Some pride is more closely related to dignity, I think. Maybe I am getting the two confused.
But, in dealing with the public for five years in a retail (selling tickets at the Wax Museum, lest my previous words seem to 'impressive'), I think I learned a few things.
First, treat your customer with dignity and respect. People don't appreciate being treated like they're a distraction to your day.

Second, respect the person waiting on you. You never know when that person has the magic "free ticket" button at his fingertips. And you stand a whole lot better chance of Randy giving you a free ticket if you treat him like a human being than if you treat him like dirt.

So remember this the next time you're at CopyMax, or Home Depot, or even McDonald's. Treat that person with respect, even when you know they don't deserve it. Because the voice telling you they don't deserve respect is the voice of sin.

5:53 PM  

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