Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Friday, August 25, 2006

on Freshman girls

in the next couple weeks, several new freshmen LeTourneau girls will inevitably fall into the net of some flashy upperclassmen who think they have it all together and can bring the girls into protective arms of care and affection.
then, inevitaby several of those relationships will meltdown and several of those girls will find a new guy a mere weeks later. i pity their hearts.
i just see it coming.
-switch topics-
i'm looking for a relationship with an older girl. by older, i mean my age and older. one who's out of school and doing her craft somewhere. but i even don't quite approve of that scenario either. in fact, not too many relationship setups appeal to me except the very easiest: nice girl i work with or go to church with, she's just like me, we click, we like each other, we get married, our lives mesh and everything is painless.
When considering a girlfriend, Money is always in the same frame of thought. "do you know how expensive she'd be??" i query me.
in college that's not how i thought.
even to go see my parents is costly.
to go anywhere is costly.
to know anyone is costly.
to try and develop a love relationship over distance and over time=costly.
at this time, when money is so tight, i can't help but evaluate every activity as in/out cash flow.
not that money is more important than being in love.
but it's essential. Essential. and i don't have enough of that essential stuff to support a relationship with.
i didn't think this way in college.
maybe i shouldn't be thinking this way. perhaps a relationship can transcend the need for money somehow.
never heard that one before.

time to let that one go. good night and happy Friday


Blogger Elmo said...

Wow. I've got mixed emotions on this subject. On the one hand, I think that a man should be prepared to support the wife he acquires. Wow, that sounded so calculated. But really, a guy should have a place to live, and the adequate means to support his wife.
Transition: Except, this day-in-age, a woman is expected to work for some period of the marriage, and so the man needn't have EVERYTHING taken care of, because she will, hypothetically, be able to contribute to the financial needs of the pair.
In contrast, the other side of my mind (liberal right-brain side) says that love conquers all, and that poverty in the name of love is acceptable and romacesque. Allow me to sweep you away, dearest Cinderella, and we will live happily ever after... nevermimnd the light bill.

Can you see which way I am leaning, judging by my comments? Tell me what you think I think, and I'll tell you if you're right.

9:38 PM  

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