Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Sunday, May 27, 2007

For such a time as this

God often pulls us out of a major season of life and ushers us into a new one without a day's hesitation. It seems abrupt and ungentle on God's part sometimes; He never waits til we say "i am ready." That's because life is time and time is change, so if we stop changing for a bit, we've stopped living... anyway, that's a different discussion.
My life has been undergoing some drastic changes. I moved to a new place in Longview a month ago, said a final goodbye to several of my dearest friends, started a new flight semester, and then God brought me an amazing woman named Charisma. I wasn't looking for her, but I suppose God was because since we met we have been given days full of opportunities to spend time together. She has opened up a new world of friendships to me, a new church, new and exciting things to do, not to mention a soft shoulder to rest on and Godly companionship second to none. She is an encourager, comforter and partner in a relationship that seeks to be honoring to one another and foremostly to God. She is teaching me so much about faith and hope and trusting God, with which she is gifted.
Without further ado, here is a picture of us on our way to DFW airport on Saturday morning. She flew out to Ohio on Sunday for to spend a week with her family and friends:

Here is us at trying to find our way to the Airtran terminal.

A step away from the security gate, and a few minutes away from sending her off to Ohio.
My 'travel buddy', her gift to me today, and her note, which is so far the best love letter anyone's written to me.
I met a seaplane instructor in Grapevine to get materials for my upcoming seaplane training. Here's me at Starbucks studying while waiting for Heather to arrive.

Heather Jennings, friend/acquaintance of two years. met her and spent a little time together at her apartment in Plano before returning to Longview.


Blogger Emily said...

Hey, this is Charima's friend Emily. I just thought I'd drop by to say "hello". I also wanted to let you know that I read your past two blog entries and I am so glad that you value Charisma's friendship so deeply. She has been such a good friend to me over the years and it's so nice to know that there are good people in Texas who appreciate her the way we do here in Ohio.

6:09 PM  

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