Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

To fly you

I experienced a fascinating reflection on prayer when i was talking to a friend late tonight. She told me that one particular person had received better news of a situation, and she had expected me to remember said person. 'uh' was the word uttered by the silence, for i had forgotten. Then she had to jog my memory backwards until i could recall who she was talking about, and that's when i remembered that she asked me to pray for this individual. I hadn't remembered him tonight. Does that mean that i forgot to pray for him? At least in the recent past, yes.
God asks us to pray that His will might have course in His own creation. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Divine purposes aside, prayer also keeps us in grip with our own reality and experience. What better daily memory refresher than prayer? Prayer also brings to mind what we neglected to retain over night - an important meeting, a bank account status, a suppressed feeling.
i will keep praying because God is gracious and knows what is best for us. Not only does the act of prayer position our hearts in submission to and active pursuit of God's will, but it also completes our knowledge for the day that will come in handy to do the right thing for ourselves and to bless others.
Like going to bed. I bet that if i prayed that i'd be in bed and get enough sleep, i would. The voluntary will on my part plus the intricately operating will of God meet, and it happens.
So, Lord, please grant me enough sleep tomorrow. I know it willl be good for me.

In other news, here's a cool story about missed church and a $100 check. So a week ago i was taking my check in to my church to pay my tithe from the week i had missed the week before. As i was walking the check in, i had one of those spirit's nudges that asked something quite odd - to add$100 to my check. "this will be your tithe for the next paycheck", the conviction assured me. As i wrote the new check, i thought, 'Ok Lord, i'm trusting you for $1,000 on this next paycheck.' Well today i got that new paycheck, and the gross pay was exactly 995,55. Getting any closer to $1000 was almost impossible.
He knows that i'wasnt' planning on being in Tyler for church this coming week. That was cool of God to orchestrate the money like that.
good and godly night,


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