Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Friday, October 07, 2005

Two for the show

Just how do i decide to write a new journal entry? I've the conclusion that when i have two notable items on my mind at the same time i have reason to write. That tells you something about just how little of my thought life is remarkable.

anyway, the first is that i know why i have such difficulty sight-reading my music: my hands are disoriented on the keyboard without visual aid. So i've been spending quality time teaching my hands to play by only the sense of touch-an skill i should have acquired many, many years ago. I am a good music memorizer, as you know. That is due in part to my dual learning strengths-sight and touch (kinesthetics). The way music goes into me best is that multifaceted process, too. When i look at music on the page, my habit is to see how my hands look on the keys when i play it, and feel also where they are; my ears verify the quality of my key choices. But when i'm forced to look only at the page when i play the music, i need to be feeling for the right notes with my hands, but sometimes my ears' itching for the right sound leads my hands to 'hunt' around for it, resulting in a sloppy form of performance. I'm out of school, but i'm still trying to learn stuff.
Because the biggest lesson i got from school is just how little i know.
The police dropped the remaining of Shane Delay's charges. Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, he found that things were not all that they seem. From the beginning, I told him that love would find him in such time of peril. He's doing alright now. I wonder if he'll drop his charges against God.
Angela and i conversed for an hour and 1/2 today. Beautiful is committing to a calling to go to Alaska. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together for her; she will need our prayers to complete the process. Perhaps she'll find her husband on the mission field. She has pure criteria for her husband: he's the guy with whom she can serve God better with rather than apart.
I threw together a soup tonight that turned out to be very good. I was surprized! Here's my recipe:
2 cans pureed tomatoes, juice included
2 cans red chili beans, without juice
1 can creamed corn
1 finely chopped carrot
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
2 tablespoons cooking oil
(spices pending)


Blogger Elmo said...

Interesting comments about your musical talent.
I realized a similar thing two years ago as I typed. I typed very quickly already, no doubt. But, I realized that I was paralyzed if I could not watch my fingers as they tapped the keyboard. So I worked on it. It's like a lightswitch- your fingers already KNOW where the keys are, they just don't know that they know. Ya know?
Anyhow, in no time, the lightswitch flicked on, and I can type with my eyes, completely closed, as I have done with this very sentence. SO, moral of the story, I am sure that you will quickly adapt to looking away from your hands as you play.
Because now I type even faster. And can increase productivity- something Dwayne would appreciate.
Did Dwayne and Carolyn leave for Khazakstan today? I think they were rumored to leave on the 7th.

Daisy told me about Shane's good blessing. And about Tootsie's bad behavior with Anthony's four wheeler. Bummer!

I like Angela's criteria.
Soup? I wish I could make soup. No time, no need, and... no kitchen, as you remember.

Well, I need to go to bed.
Take care,

11:20 PM  

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