Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

One for the money

Since i seem to have lost the talent of thinking and writing coherently these days, all i have-again-is bullet points.
+i've been trying three inches from desperation to earn my scoop of this economy's financial resources and thereby fulfil my responsibilities. 1) i haven't heard from the Peoria flight school yet; the flesh part of me is offsetting the spiritual faith-standing part of me 2) i interviewed for a position at the nearby video store. Not available in mornings? Available only 1PM to midnight? Sorry, buddy. We'll add your app to the pile of rejects. 3) i talked on the phone with the HR of a collections company, and she asked some of the same questions i answered on my application. And i gave the same answers. Then she asked me what i know about the company. I replied, candidly, "You basically call up people who haven't paid their bills and nag them to do so." I'd say that i'm gifted in reading the inward thoughts of a woman by what and how she speaks, and i'd say that this HR wasn't pleased with my answers. Hey, i can't please everyone when i'm acting myself. 4) By God's grace, i did get offered a temporary -Tues and Weds- job mowing lawns. And i am enjoying that.

+My life is simple at the moment: Spend time with God. Make money. Fly. See orthodontist monthly and pray daily for healthy teeth again. Practice my music. Ride bike. Sleep. Write down what stirs within my head.

+My present equation for Happiness: Home (companionship, personal space), Health (fed regularly, no nagging physical problems, clean environment, good sleep), Heat (warm bed, clothes, shower).

+Materialists are we. How to make an American feel worth? Give him stuff. How to make him happy? Give him stuff. How to fulfill him? Give him stuff. How to grieve him? Take away his stuff.


Blogger Elmo said...

Somebody just gave you a muah. That's creepy.
Anyhow, I have been hoping you'd write a new blog for days! Thank you for gratifying me. I want to call you, but it would be a bad use of my time. Wow, that sounded incredibly awful. So why don't I just come out and say that I don't have time to be friends? I don't, because I do, and friendship is something I continue to seek.
You can read my blog and see my time issues without me wasting space here.

I am sorry to hear about your discouraging interview. Maybe you should bug Peoria some more. I don't know.

Materialist? Americans? Nah. That's preposterous.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go polish my car. And then I need to clean my flat screen plasma TV.

6:29 PM  

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