Location: Bridgewater, Virginia, United States

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Learjet school day 11

I've almost got it! Or not... I'm having difficulty finding the right way to describe my current state of learning this jet. I know enough and have the skills to be a safe and efficient pilot and to do the right thing, but I lack the experience to be consistently and authoritatively on point with that knowledge and skills. I think the word I'm getting to here is "sophomoric".
For example, tonight I misquoted the wind shear advisory memory response items; I botched the Bleed Air check on the after-start checklist; and I let the plane dunk under MDA minimums as I watched the auto pilot continue down a LNAV-V approach vertical path. In all three cases, I knew enough to get myself to the point of failure, but not enough to know entirely what I was doing. This is an important bridge to cross in my experience because I'm learning all I can these two weeks, but I'm not learning with perfection ; there are frailties to my knowledge and skills that only pokes and prods will reveal. I smarted with some pokes and prods tonight, but it is good.  Aware of what needs to be reinforced, I get to work there. Whatever pain doesn't kill me will make me stronger.
This morning / afternoon i sat observer to Jamie and Martin again, and again took in more and more. As we sat at lunch, an A380 took off toward the south. That was the Emirates flight 222, taking off for Dubai. As of this hour, the craft is still aloft en route.
A dazzling array of lightning shot all around the sky as I drove home. The invisible cloud shapes would seem to transform themselves on each bolt of lightning that burst nearby.


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